Consultation on revision of the Security of Supply Regulation 994/2010
On 16 January 2015, the European Commission issued a consultation on the revision of Regulation 994/2010 concerning measures to safeguard security of gas supply and the repeal of Directive 2004/67. The EU regulation on security of gas supply no. 994/2010 came into force on 2 December 2010 and was drafted in the aftermath of the January 2009 Russia/Ukraine gas crisis.
Key aspects of the regulation include requirements on the Competent Authority to produce a Risk Assessment document, a Preventative Action Plan and an Emergency Action Plan. The regulation also contains an obligation on TSOs to adapt their networks to enable permanent physical reverse flow at all interconnection points by 3 December 2013.
In its post-stress test report, the Commission demonstrated that the regulation has already produced important beneficial effects on Europe’s gas security of supply, both in terms of preparation and mitigation – for example, through the requirement on member states to prepare and coordinate plans. However, it also highlighted areas in which improvements can further bolster Europe’s supply security and improvements to the regulation itself.
Irrespective of the ongoing revision, the implementation of the existing regulation will not be suspended. The European Commission will continue to push for better implementation of the provisions by assessing notified plans as well as the effects of implemented measures. Responses to this public consultation are invited by 18 March 2015.
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